The mutti+ program requires a member to apply for the program before being enrolled. Applications can be started by clicking the “Enrol” button next to a member’s name in the “Facility Members” tab
Clicking ‘enrol’ will start the application for the member. A video of the experience can be seen below.
Different statues will be seen in the tabs on this module. Definitions are below
Enrolled: member is enrolled in the program
Application pending: application has been started but is not completed
Application approved: application has been approved by mPharma staff
Subscribed: The member is a paid subscriber in the program (and cannot be unenrolled while subscribed)
Re-enrol: The member has been unenrolled from the program and can be re-enrolled
Not eligible: patient is not eligible to join mutti+ (e.g. a guest member and not a mutti member)